PIR Insulation Board termPIR® OSB AL OSB

Unbeatable solution for increasing energy
efficiency of your building!
termPIR® AL OSB (2) insulation boards consist of a termPIR® board with a PIR foam core covered on both sides with a gas-tight sandwich lining based on paper, aluminum and OSB boards on both sides with a thickness of 8 to 22 mm (one board). There is an adhesive layer between the plate with aluminum cladding and the OSB boards.
Technical data
Joint types
* thermal resistance R and U coefficient apply only to PIR boards, without additional cladding
Milled edges facilitate assembly and increase thermal insulation.
Joint types:
01.FIT (flat milling from 20- 250 mm), 02. LAP (stepwise milling from 40-250 mm)*-lack, 03. TAG (tongue and groove from 40-250 mm)*- lack
* dimensions of boards with joint types are 2 to 4 % smaller